Quality Auto Services in Regina
What We Do
We repair and service all make and models

Auto Maintenance Services

Brake Repair Pads & Rotors

Shocks, Struts Replacement

System Diagnosis & Repair

Air Conditioning Services

Tires & Wheel Balancing

Jump Start
Our Costumer Say
Rising Auto repair workshop. Experienced and knowledgeable staff, know what they are doing. They do all kind of automotive repairs: tires, brakes, suspension, oil change, name your problem: they will resolve it in no time. We as a business has inspected mutiple vehicles of various make and models: toyota, honda, nissan, ford, dodge, kia, volkswagen, jeep, hyundai and they are well experience to do any auto repair job. Big thumbs up 👍🏻 i would recommend it to all my knowns
The staff here is very knowledgeable and has extended experience working on vehicles. I highly recommend them for anyone looking to get their vehicles fixed at an affordable price.